And Just Like That
By Karen Burrows McKnight
Using Life Jolts to Create the Next Best Version of Yourself in Leadership and Life
Have you ever been on top of your game feeling like everything in your life and work was at its best, only to have it all come crashing down?
Have you recently been thrown a curveball in your career, finances, relationships or health?
Life can be going along fine And Just Like That, something happens, and your world is turned upside down.
Jolts, whether internally generated or externally imposed, positive or negative, small or big, are inevitable. Learning how to embrace and work through these challenging transitions will keep you moving forward.
This must-read book provides an easy-to-follow process for using life jolts to create the next best version of yourself.
Karen Burrows McKnight combines her years of coaching senior executives and organizational teams with her own life experiences to share an approach that will help you navigate your current reality.
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Using Life Jolts to Create the Next Best Version of Yourself in Leadership and Life